Thursday 23rd April (St George's Day & Shakespeare's Birthday)
Work for today:
- MATHS - PAGE 109: Multi-step problems - Measures (also mark answers from yesterday)
- SCIENCE: Worksheet on light
- ENGLISH: record yourself performing a short section of one of Shakepeare's most famous speeches.
- GEOGRAPHY: complete Geography Essentials task
Mr B
Wednesday 22nd April
I have posted the answers to the Mouse and His Child Quiz on the Seesaw blog, I have also posted the answers to yesterday's maths questions.
- MATHS - PAGE 108 - Worded problems - converting Units
- ENGLISH - Mark answers to The Mouse and His Child Quiz / Listen to the next chapter of the book
- GEOGRAPHY - Continue to work through the activities on the Geography Essentials task.
Mr B
Tuesday 21st April
MATHS (Page 39 - Target Your Year 6 Maths)
ENGLISH - Complete mouse and his child questions (answers tomorrow)
GEOGRAPHY - UK mapping task (look at Seesaw for details)
Mr B
Monday 20th April: HELLO CLASS 6 - WELCOME BACK !!! I hope you have had a good Easter Holiday - even if it was a little different to normal.
Don't forget to check on here or Seesaw everyday for your online learning. Please make sure that you also are completing a daily session on Doodle Maths & Doodle English - we still haven't won the weekly competition for the class that has the most pupils in the Green Zone.
Here is your online learning for today:
MATHS - Target Your Maths - Page 38 (Solving Multi-Step Problems) you can start on Section A or B but make sure you try and complete at least two sections of questions - answers tomorrow for you to self-mark.
ENGLISH - listen to next two chapters of The Mouse & His Child & start to work through 'The Ultimate Mouse and His Child Quiz' - answers on Wednesday.
GEOGRAPHY - If you have access to a printer, please print yourself off a blank map of the UK - there will be more tasks related to this coming with our new topic this term - 'GEOGRAPHY ESSENTIALS'
That's it for now! Mr Brigg
Tuesday 31st March
Learning activities:
- MATHS - Text Book pages 68 & 69 (Simplifying Ratio) - You can begin on section B if you're confident but you must tray and complete two sections.
- Listen to both chapters of The Mouse and His Child on Seesaw (have a go at drawing one of the characters) post on your blog if you'd like to.
- Science: Topic - LIGHT - (work through these activities and make notes if it helps - I will post an assessment at some point).
Next chapter of the Mouse and His Child Coming soon!
Mr B
Friday 27th March - running into next week (ongoing tasks):
- London in Peril (research work)
- Comprehension Questions - Wonder
(Both these have been sent to you on Seesaw)
Tuesday 24th March - Thursday 26th March:
- Joe Wicks morning exercise routines each day.
- Write a diary of what you have done each day since schools were closed down - imagine you are writing it for an older person like a grandparent who perhaps you won't see very much over the next months.
- Ensure your Notting Hill Carnival Work is up to date (including the costume design).
- Complete Pages 142 - 144 (Conversion Graphs) in Your Maths Text Books - Please note - I do not need to see a copy of these I will post answers for you to mark at home.
- I found this Ted Talk all about Chess which I thought you might be interested in:
(Watch it and then click on the THINK section and have a go at answering the questions!
Enjoy! Mr Brigg
23rd March 2020
Morning Year 6 - as promised here is your work for today - I will also send you a reminder on seesaw.
Maths: Please complete page 138 of Target Your Year 6 Maths (Pie Charts). Depending on your level of confidence you can either begin on Level A or Level B.
London Project Work:
1. Explain how the first Notting Hill Carnival began in August 1963 (100 words)
2. Write about the benefits of living in a multi-cultural society. (100 words)
3. Research Notting Hill Carnival Costumes online and then design your own on A4 paper. (Remember they are usually brightly coloured and take their influence from birds, flowers, nature or mythical creatures. When you have finished take a picture and post it on your seesaw blog.
PS Don't forget to logon to Doodle Maths - you need to do this at least once a day!
Thanks Mr B
20th March 2020
Hello Class 6 - welcome to your working from home page - please check here everyday to see the work that I have set you to do at home. I know this must feel like a very strange time for you all and not what you were expecting from Year 6, hopefully I will see you again soon and we can plan some exciting end of year activities. I am also looking forward to using Seesaw with you all, which you set up today with Miss McGurk.