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Pupil Premium and Catch-Up Funding

Pupil Premium funding is additional money received by schools to support children who qualify for free school meals (either now, or in the last six years) or who are In care, or the children of armed forces families.  NB: This does not however apply to children in the infant classes who currently qualify for universal free school meals.  In order to qualify for this funding families need to complete an application form, available from the school office.


At Dr Radcliffe's C of E Primary School this funding is used to help pupil premium children who have been identified as needing support with their learning and in reaching their potential.  In addition, this is also used to fund enrichment activities for those children as needed.  Each year, the Governors publish information to parents and the school community on how this funding has been spent to support the progress and attainment of pupils covered by the premium.


We aim to use our pupil premium income in the most effective way to improve outcomes for qualifying children. We continue to receive funding for children with special educational needs and the progress of all of our pupils is rigorously monitored to ensure that funding is allocated appropriately.


The allocation for 2024 - 25 is £17,930. 


Lisa Boote
Chair of Governors
