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Collective Worship and RE

Collective Worship


At Dr Radcliffe's there is a daily act of collective worship. This can be whole school but is also key stage based and class based. Each term we have a collective worship theme based around our Christian values. Class 5 open and close our whole school collective worship. During collective worship the children have the opportunity to sing, pray and have moments of reflection. There is always a key theme for the week which provides the opportunity for children, think, share, respond and reflect. The themes are presented to the children through Bible stories, stories from other religions, plays, puppets, art and music. The children are encouraged to play an active part in their collective worship. 


We have strong links with our local church, SS Peter and Paul in Steeple Aston.  Below is a link for the Church


Our Collective Worship theme for this term is the value of Forgiveness. Our Bible quote for the term is:


‘Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive others.’  Colossians 3.13.


Throughout this term we will be thinking about how everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes our mistakes hurt others and then we need to say sorry. Sometimes mistakes made by other people hurt us. When this happens we need to be able to forgive. Forgiveness can be difficult and costly but without it a new start is impossible. At home you could talk about:


  • A time when you needed to say sorry
  • A time when you didn’t say sorry but you wish you had
  • A time when you had to forgive someone who had hurt or upset you
  • How it feels when you are given a new start because someone has forgiven you



On the website is a Home School Value sheet based around forgiveness. If you would like to access this please click on the link below.





Religious Education


Religious Education at Dr Radcliffe's offers children the opportunity to learn about and learn from religions and worldviews. They learn to make connections between beliefs and practices and philosophise on their own views. Christianity is studied in each class as well as another religion (Judaism in KS1 and Judaism, Hinduism and Islam in KS2 -other religions and worldviews are also incorporated following children's own beliefs or topics within the class.) In a recent survey, the children themselves explained why they thought it was important: "it helps to understand people from other religions”, “it helps you to choose a religion when you are older”, “when you grow up, you will understand and know why people have different practices and beliefs”.

We use the Oxford Diocesan scheme of work as a framework. This starts with a big question to reflect on. We are supplementing this with the Understanding Christianity resource and incorporating beliefs linked to topics. Click on the document below to see the progression of what is taught through the school.

Resurrection Reflection- Our hopes and dreams for the future

Our Christmas Wreath

All the children in the school created a Christmas message on holly leaves. These have been assembled together to form a wreath. This can be seen outside the school gates.

Be Space

Be Space visited our school in January and transformed our library! Each class visited the special space created and took part in activities to help the children reflect and think about God and prayer. Thank you to the volunteers from the church who helped facilitate the activities.

Year 2's Visit to Be Space Prayer

Find out what Class 2 got up to when we were visited by Be Space Prayer

Year 4's visit to BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London

As part of our learning about other faiths and religions, we visited BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir (commonly known as Neasden temple) to support our class learning about Hinduism.


The day began with a video presentation on Hinduism and the History of the Mandir. It took 3 years to build and is made out of 26,000 blocks of marble. These  were hand-carved in India and shipped to London to be assembled together. 'I liked how the building was beautifully crafted by hand.' (Chloe C).


We then observed 'Arti', a ceremony which takes place when lighted lamps are waved before the sacred images by Hindu monks. Following on, we then performed 'Darshan' which was where we spent time viewing the scared images of the shrines.


'I loved the worship room and seeing the murtis. They were decorated so well.' (Adam)

'We had to look at the qualities of the murtis before we could pray to them.' (Chloe M)


The day finished with a question and answer session. 'I loved being able to ask questions to a Hindu. it helped me to understand how they worship better.' (James)

Year 4 Messages of Peace

To celebrate Remembrance Day, Year 4 have written their own special messages to those men and women who have given up so much so that we can be safe and live our lives in peace. Visit the Year 4 class page to read some of those messages.

Class 6 being saintly by helping others around the school

Harvest Celebrations 2017

Our Harvest Celebrations this year,  were led by Year 4. Visit their class page to see the celebrations and find out more about The Trussle Trust; the charity being supported by our local church.
Year 4 are supporting the charity Send a Cow in the campaign this year called Harvest for Life.

Classes R and 1 visited the church to learn about Harvest Festival

KS1 visit to the church to find out about key features

​Remembrance Day - November 2016

Year 4 have written Message of Peace to remember those people who have given up their lives so that we can live a safer and happier life.

Harvest Festival 2016

Come and see the pictures of Year 4 leading our Harvest Festival in the church of SsPeter and Paul.

Pentecost Reflection at the Chruch

We had a lovely afternoon in the Church, on Tuesday thinking about Pentecost and what it means to Christians. We explored scripture from the Bible and artistic impressions and had the chance to reflect through art and words ourselves.


A big thank you to Mrs Smit for arranging the afternoon and to Mrs Woodhouse and Mrs Good for helping us.

Class 3 Visit Oxford Synagogue

On Tuesday morning, class 3 visited Oxford Synagogue and explored the Jewish place of worship. We learnt about some special objects and symbols, as well as trying on some items that Jewish people wear when they go to pray at the synagogue. To find out more visit our class gallery.

Christmas Story Display in Reception Class

All the children in the Reception class used sponge painting to retell the story of 'The First Christmas'. The children all painted their own character from our nativity play onto the display board. It looks wonderful, do come and have a look in our classroom !

Collective Worship in KS1

Class 1 and Class 2 regularly enjoy collective worship led by members of our local community. We call this 'Open the Book'. The volunteers who lead the collective worship dress up and act out Bible stories and a few lucky children are often chosen to join in too!! 

Open the Book 

Happy Diwali

This week we have been learning about the festival of Diwali. We made Indian sweets  and also Diva lamps out of clay. Having listened to the story of Rama and Sita, some of us made masks and retold the story.


Harvest Festival Celebrations
