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Designated Safeguarding Lead:                           Rob O'Malley

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:             Becky Roberts,                                                                                                                                                          Sarah Goldsworthy

SENCo:                                                                 Jane Rawson

Designated Teacher for Looked After Children:    Robert O'Malley

Safeguarding Governor:                                       Fiona Ritchie



At Dr Radcliffe’s CE Primary School we are alert to the care and needs of every child. We believe that every child has the right to be safe. The school works in partnership with other schools and agencies, for example, the Oxfordshire Child Social Care Services or the Local Health Authority, who share our commitment to protecting the children. The people in these agencies can include social workers, family support workers, health visitors, school nurses, doctors or housing officers.


Our first concern is always the children’s welfare and our aim is to work in partnership with families to ensure their children’s safety and wellbeing. However, there may be occasions when we do have to consult other agencies. The procedures we follow have been laid down by the Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children’s Board.


All staff are employed using Oxfordshire’s safer recruitment guidelines. In addition all staff and volunteers at the school are required to undertake DBS clearance and are made aware of the school’s safeguarding procedures. Regular training in safeguarding is given to ensure staff are up to date with current practice and legislation and able to maintain the safety of the children. Safeguarding is a standing item on all meeting agendas and we have a named governor with particular responsibility for safeguarding.


In each year group we work to raise children’s awareness of how to keep themselves safe. This is planned through our PSHCE curriculum in which the children are involved in discussions on E-Safety, fire, road and water safety, sex and relationships education and all other aspects of personal safety.


The designated safeguarding lead in school is Rob O'Malley. In order to ensure that there is always a designated lead present in school we have two deputies. They are Becky Roberts and Sarah Goldsworthy, who have all received enhanced safeguarding lead training.

A copy of our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and other relevant policies are below:-

