Dr Radcliffe's Church of England School
Fir Lane
Steeple Aston
OX25 4SF
All enquiries (including for paper copies of anything on this site) to:
School Business Manager:
Mrs Rachael Bowles
Email: office.3828@dr-radcliffes.oxon.sch.uk
Telephone: 01869 340204
Mr Rob O'Malley
Email: head@dr-radcliffes.oxon.sch.uk
Assistant Administrator:
Mrs Vicky Bullett
Email: office.3828@dr-radcliffes.oxon.sch.uk
Chair of Governors:
Lisa Boote
Contact through the school office
Email: office.3828@dr-radcliffes.oxon.sch.uk
Special Educational Needs Coordinator:
Jane Rawson
Contact through the school office
Email: office.3828@dr-radcliffes.oxon.sch.uk
We are part of the Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust ('ODST')
St Mary's Convent,
Denchworth Road,
Wantage, Oxfordshire,
OX12 9AU
Web: Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust - Home (odst.org.uk)
Tel: 01865 208 200
Media enquiries: 07825 059040
Email: ODST.admin@oxford.anglican.org
See https://www.dr-radcliffes.org.uk/oxford-diocesan-schools-trust/ for more details.