Our topic work this term is based around 'The Power of the Earth'. We will be investigating plate tectonics and finding out why earthquakes and volcanoes occur. We will be learning about the Solar System in science, finding out about the planets and answering questions about the seasons, eclipses and why we have day and night.
We had a fantastic visit in February to the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies and Mosque which was extremely interesting and very successful. We were privileged to be the first school to ever visit.
Class 5 have had a busy but enjoyable start to the year. We have been finding out about the culture of the Ancient Maya and investigating the mystery of why the civilisation declined suddenly. In science we have been investigating reversible and irreversible changes in materials. We have learnt about Islam and the importance of the Qur'an.
The highlight of the term has been our trip to the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, which was a fantastic experience.
We are looking forward to putting on our production of 'Shakespeare Rocks' just before Christmas. We are working hard on it and really enjoying rehearsals.