We have been learning a page / verse from this book as our Imitation Text. We have used the text to help to develop our understanding of nouns, adjectives, simple noun phrases and using commas in a list.
After creating a shared word bank of adjectives to describe the different parts of a Peacock Butterfly, we worked together as a class to Innovate a new page / verse for the Important Book.
Finally, we chose our own noun to invent our page / verse of the Important Book.
One morning we arrived in school to find small glittery footprints in our classroom, coming from outside and towards Mrs Goldsworthy's chair. On her chair there was a rather old and tatty piece of paper which had a surprising set of instructions on it left by some pixies! We decided to learn these instructions so that we could have a go at writing our own recipes to see if the pixies thought they might work.