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Talk 4 Writing

The Important Book 

We have been learning a page / verse from this book as our Imitation Text. We have used the text to help to develop our understanding of nouns, adjectives, simple noun phrases and using commas in a list. 


After creating a shared word bank of adjectives to describe the different parts of a Peacock Butterfly, we worked together as a class to Innovate a new page / verse for the Important Book. 


Finally, we chose our own noun to invent our page / verse of the Important Book. 

How to cook a rainbow

One morning we arrived in school to find small glittery footprints in our classroom, coming from outside and towards Mrs Goldsworthy's chair. On her chair there was a rather old and tatty piece of paper which had a surprising set of instructions on it left by some pixies! We decided to learn these instructions so that we could have a go at writing our own recipes to see if the pixies thought they might work. 
