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Children learn to read through teaching word reading and language comprehension 

Children read widely and often by themselves as their confidence in reading develops 

Children read a range of books that encourage them to: 


  • Feel something; 

  • Seek something; 

  • Experience new worlds; 

  • Have the opportunity to share and empathise with the lived-experience of others; 

  • Develop their imaginations and build a knowledge of sophisticated and interesting vocabulary; 

  • Learn something new. 




Word reading


  • Children learn to read through phonics, using the RWInc scheme; 

  • Children learn through whole-word recognition; 

  • Pinny time and 1:1 tuition provide extra support for learning where needed; 

  • To develop fluency, children take home black and white copies of the books they have read in class when they have completed them; 

  • Book bag books are sent home to provide further fluency where necessary; 

  • Books are matched to the children’s acquisition of phonics; 

  • Children have a wide range of books to choose from once they have completed the RWInc scheme as appropriate to their age. 


Enjoyment of reading


  • Children take home a range of books to develop their vocabulary and enjoyment; 

  • Books are read out loud to the class every day; 

  • We share our excitement for reading; 

  • Each class has a class library and books are regularly changed; 

  • Books for topics are displayed in the classroom and are used for research; 

  • We take part in World Book Day; 

  • We do reading swaps with classes; 

  • Books in French are read to the children and younger children act out stories; 

  • Resources to enable all children to access reading are provided as appropriate. 


Developing comprehension


  • We ensure that children know how to skim and scan for words; 

  • We model how to answer questions from a text – this includes direct information retrieval and questions which require inference; 

  • We identify vocabulary that children might not know and discuss this with the children; 

  • We discuss the authors intentions and choices of words; 

  • We talk about the characters in books; 

  • We think about how characters may be feeling and why they might act in a certain way; 

  • We talk about how a text may be organised and other grammatical features that may be used to ensure that information is presented clearly. 





  • Children complete the RWInc scheme by the end of Year 1 or early Year 2; 

  • Children can read age appropriate texts fluently and with expression; 

  • Children enjoy listening to stories and poems; 

  • Children are engaged in stories that are read out loud; 

  • Children choose to read most evenings; 

  • Children can talk about books the enjoy reading; 

  • Children know poems/rhymes by heart. 
