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Dr Radcliffe's School admits both boys and girls and currently the school has seven classes.



Class RReception
(4-5 year olds)
Foundation Stage (F1)
Class 1Year 1 children
(5-6 year olds)
Key Stage 1
Class 2Year 2 children
(6-7 year olds)
Key stage 1
Class 3Year 3 children
(7-8 year olds)
Key stage 2
Class 4Year 4 children
(8-9 year olds)
Key Stage 2
Class 5Year 5 children
(9-10 year olds)
Key Stage 2
Class 6Year 6 children
(10-11 year olds)
Key stage 2


Children can be admitted to the school premises only at 8.30 a.m.. 



School starts:8.45 a.m.
 Morning break for Year R to Year 2:10.00 - 10.15 a.m.
 Morning break for Year 3 to Year 6:10.40 - 10.55 a.m.
 Lunch break:12.00 to 12.55 p.m.
School finishes:3.15 p.m.

Please encourage your child to be punctual, especially at the beginning of the day. Regular and punctual attendance at school is an essential part of your child's education. If he or she is likely to be late, please inform the office as early as possible.


If you collect your child from school, please wait outside the classroom entrance at:


  • The rear of the school for Class R;
  • For Class 1 outside the Infant Entrance;
  • For Classes 2, 3, and 6 outside the front door;
  • Outside the Junior entrance for Classes 4 and 5.


This avoids an over spill of parents on to the roadway. Please keep a careful eye on your children as you are leaving the school premises.

If you need to change your arrangements for collecting your child, please inform the school either in writing or by telephone to avoid confusion.


Expected absence, for any reason, should be requested in writing to your child's class teacher. Please fill in the appropriate form to request discretionary holiday leave of absence.

If your child is absent because of illness or any other unanticipated cause please inform the school office by telephone at the beginning of the school day, a message may be left on the answering machine which is checked every morning.


General Sickness: Please do not send your child back to school until his/her illness has really cleared up. Please telephone the school if your child is ill or is unexpectedly absent for any reason, as this allows us to keep track of unexpected absences. We always follow up unexplained absences immediately. We keep a record of telephone calls and you do not have to write a letter in addition. Absences which are unexplained by parents are deemed to be unauthorised.


Should your child have an accident at school which, in our opinion requires hospital treatment, we shall make every effort to contact you through the emergency system. It is essential, therefore that you keep us informed of any changes relating to your emergency telephone numbers entered on your Registration Form. If we are unable to contact you we shall ensure that the child receives the appropriate treatment and is accompanied by a responsible adult.


If your child is hurt during the day at school, s/he will come home with a pink form which explains what has happened and how it has been dealt with. Any detailed information regarding drugs and treatment required in an emergency must be entered on your Registration Form.
