Many children enjoy taking school work home and this should be encouraged, providing your child is able to balance this with home-based activities and outside interests. The amount of school work undertaken at home will increase as the children progress through the school.
By far the most constructive activities which should be carried out at home are reading and talking. Encourage your children to read, read with them, read to them, hear them read and talk with them about what they have been doing at school. Encourage them to share their experiences with you.
At Dr Radcliffe's School we see homework as an important part of the relationship between home and school. We have a homework policy and at the beginning of every year the teacher will write a letter explaining details in his/her class. In the policy we aim to make clear our expectations of children, parents and teachers in the setting, marking and execution of homework tasks.
The role of parents/carers in homework:
Parents are encouraged to help create a quiet, distraction free, working space for homework.
If homework is to be worthwhile, it is essential that parents make it clear to their child that they value homework.
We need your help to ensure that deadlines are met.
Please give praise for homework done well and completed on time.
The homework policy is available for inspection at any time.