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Homework Information


As part of our preparation for transferring to secondary school there is an increased expectation for the amount of homework children in Year 6 are expected to complete each week. This is as follows:

  • Weekly learning homework: 10 standard spellings plus an additional 5 advanced spellings for very able spellers. Weekly times-tables practice. Both given out on a Monday in preparation for a test each Friday. (The spellings and times tables are posted on the Class 6 page of the website for reference).

  • Weekly reading comprehension homework. It is worth noting that there is an emphasis placed on the skills of inference – this means being able to see ‘beyond the literal’- explaining an author’s choice of words, the effect on the reader or why text has been organised in a particular way. The comprehension homework programme aims to develop these skills through the year and reinforces the work in the class.

  • Weekly maths homework: 36 questions on a variety of maths topics aimed to develop children’s maths fluency and problem solving ability.

  • Occasionally, there may be an additional homework designed to enhance or support another area of the curriculum – for example science.

We understand that children and families have busy lives. To ease the burden of homework on children and their families, all homework is given out on a Wednesday and needs to be handed in by the following Monday. In this way children are responsible for managing their own homework schedule and can complete it during the week or over the weekend.

All homework is differentiated according ability and can be adjusted according to the needs of the individual child. If you do not think your child is being sufficiently challenged or that the homework is too difficult please come in and discuss it with a member of the Year 6 team.
