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Once approved and signed by the Governors, copies of Minutes of the Governors' Meetings will be retained by the Headteacher and are available for inspection.

The Local Governing Body
From the Governing Body, a very warm welcome to our school website and the Governor's page on which we will explain who we are and what we do.

As a Church Of England school we value and respect our children as individuals and endeavour to create an environment which supports them to be healthy and happy, make a positive contribution to the life of the school and community and to be the very best they can be.

Our Governing Body consists of 12 people and the Clerk made up as follows:

  • Headteacher
  • Rector
  • One Member of Staff
  • One Community Governor
  • Two parent Governors- elected by parents
  • Six Foundation Governors


Our role
As a team of volunteers, our role is to work in close partnership in supporting the headteacher and the staff to promote school improvement in ensuring that all of our pupils receive a high standard of teaching and learning and reach or exceed their potential in an environment which is safe and happy. We strive to offer a wealth of opportunities and positive experiences for all of our children.

Our main responsibility is for the raising of standards through three key roles:

  1. Setting strategic direction
  2. Ensuring accountability
  3. Monitoring and evaluating school performance


Our main duties are:

  • To ensure our Christian ethos is applied in the teaching and general conduct of the school
  • To focus on key strategic issues in setting aims and objectives for the school
  • To determine the aims and overall conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement
  • To monitor and evaluate the progress of school improvement
  • To be a critical friend to the Headteacher and class teachers, offering support and advice
  • To set and review staffing levels and structures
  • To appoint all staff
  • To set and agree school budgets
  • To assist in the setting of targets for pupil achievement
  • Adopting policies and ensuring they are adhered to
  • To monitor Health and Safety and management of the premises


When we meet
The full Governing Body and the committees each meet six times a year.  All members sit on at least one committee. The Chair of Governors represents the school as a Trustee on the Samuel Radcliffe Trust, which meets twice a year.

The main committees are - Admissions, Curriculum, Finance and Personnel.   We also have other statutory committees which meet as and when required and working groups for specific projects .

We hope that this has given you an insight into the workings of the Local Governing Body, however if you wish to learn more or to give us any feedback please do not hesitate to contact our Chair Of Governors, Lisa Boote, via the school office. We welcome your comments.


As part of the ODST MAT, our Local Governing Body is part of the MAT structure of Governance. For more information on this aspect of ODST, including the structure and remit of the members, the board of trustees and its committees and the Trust's scheme of delegation, please see Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust - About Us ( 
