Despite going to bed later than usual last night due to the football (well done England!), all the children appeared this morning bright eyed and bushy tailed ready for the last day of activities.
There were new activities on the menu today which included camouflage and concealment, problem solving, search and rescue as well as making mini beast hotels. Shrieks and laughter could be heard all around the grounds in Kingham. Then came the most challenging activity of the week - packing their bags to go home!! Hopefully, the right clothes manage to make it into the right bag - sorry if they don't.
The children have had the most fantastic time this week. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Anna Thatcher for making the residential possible at Kingham for both Year 5 and Year 6, the staff at Kingham who have fed us fantastically or have overseen some of our activities, Oxford Active who have provided a range of activities for the children to do, Clare Ruaux for providing additional support, Mrs Ridgway for all the administration and finally the Dr Radcliffe staff (there are too many to name individually) who have given up their time to support, cajole and ensure your children have had a good week.
I know the children have lots of great tales to tell you when you see them tomorrow.
It only seems fitting after last night, to finish off with THEY'RE COMING HOME!
Becky Roberts