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Cultural Celebration

By being culturally aware, you can recognize and appreciate other people's beliefs, customs, and values to interact with them without prejudice or judgment. This leads to more cultural connections and fewer interpersonal conflicts arising from cultural differences.




When is Ramadan?

Evening of Wednesday 22nd March 2023- Evening of Thursday 20th April 2023.


When is Eid?

Evening of Thursday 20th April 2023 - Evening of Friday 21st April 2023.


What is the story behind Ramadan?

For Muslims, Ramadan is a holy month of fasting, introspection, and prayer. 

The naming of Ramadan is derived from the Arabic root 'ar-ramad,' meaning 'scorching heat'. 

Muslims believe that in A.D. 610, the angel Gabriel appeared to Prophet Muhammad and revealed to him the Quran, the Islamic holy book.

The event is celebrated as the month during which Muhammad received the initial revelations of the Quran

Muslims do not eat or drink from sunrise to sunset each day during Ramadan.

They also pray, recite the Quran, act selflessly, and abstain from gossiping, lying, and fighting.

The aim of Ramadan for Muslims is to grow spiritually and build stronger relationships with Allah.


What happens during Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr? 

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is considered the holiest time of the year. Muslims believe this is the month that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) received the first books of the Qur’an so they honour this time in prayer and fasting. The end of the month of Ramadan is then celebrated with feasting during the festival of Eid Al-Fitr.


How do Muslims celebrate Eid?

During Eid Al-Fitr, Muslims greet each other by saying 'Eid Mubarak’ meaning ‘Have a blessed Eid’. They eat special meals with family and friends and give gifts to children. During Eid, Muslims also honour Allah (God) by taking part in special prayer mornings.

Bahá'í Faith

The Bahá'í Faith is an Abrahamic religion started in the 1800s by an Iranian person called Bahá'u'lláh who was born in TehranIran. Followers of this religion call themselves Bahá'ís. The name Bahá'u'lláh is Arabic for "The Glory of God". "Glory" is a word that means "importance", "power", and "beauty". Bahá'ís believe Bahá'u'lláh is a representation of God, or speaks for God, and he shows people God's importance, beauty, and brightness.

Bahá'ís are monotheists (which means that they believe in one God). They believe Bahá'u'lláh carried a message from God. Bahá'u'lláh said he was not the only person to carry a message from God, and he was not the last to carry a message from God. He taught that the people who started the other major religions also represented and carried messages from God, such as JesusMosesAbrahamMuhammadKrishna, the Buddha and others. He called these people "Manifestations of God."



Some important Bahá'í beliefs are:

  • Bahá'u'lláh came to make all humans become one family
  • There is only One God, but he has many names
  • All the great religions have the same source (God)
  • God treats all humans as equal
  • God treats men and women as equal
  • Prejudices (unkind beliefs about people without knowing them first) should be fixed
  • Nations should learn to get along and co-operate with each other
  • Science and religion do not have to disagree, because they are looking at the same world from two different sides.
  • People should try to learn the truth for themselves
  • Everyone should get an education (go to school or learn another way)
  • The world should have one extra language that everyone understands



  • There are eight or nine million Bahá'ís in the world, of all peoples and languages. The Bahá'í Faith looks different in different countries, because there are few rituals, so Bahá'ís can include their own culture in the way they celebrate Bahá'í events, say prayers, etc.
  • Bahá'ís meet every nineteen (19) days in a meeting called a "Feast". There does not have to be food, but there usually is.
  • These meetings start with prayers and usually someone reads aloud some holy writings. Sometimes there is music and song, sometimes plays, sometimes just quiet time or meditation. After this time, which Bahá'ís call the "devotional" time in a feast, they have a community discussion. All sorts of topics can be discussed here that are important to the members. Bahá'ís say that this is a "consultative" time, where Bahá'ís can consult with each other. After this, there is a social time, where people can share food, drink (not alcohol), and sometimes here there is also music, or plays, or presentations, or other entertainment. This time is just so that the Bahá'ís in that city can get to know each other and become better friends.


Holy Books

Bahá'u'lláh wrote many books and letters, and `Abdu'l-Bahá (whose name means "Servant of Glory") also wrote many books and letters which Bahá'ís see as special. The most important of these books is the Aqdas.

Bahá'ís also believe that the Bible, the Qur'an, the Gita and other books from other religions are special.


Temples and Bahá'í Centers

  • Bahá'ís often do not have one place they get together, except in large cities. In smaller places they usually get together in each other's houses.
  • Some larger cities have "Bahá'í Centers" which can be used for community meetings, classes, or for meetings of committees and other councils.



  • Bahá'ís are organized in a worldwide community.
  • They do not have priests. Everyone is responsible for their own prayers. Bahá'ís are also responsible for reading their holy books for themselves and for learning about their religion.
  • Baha'is elect leaders for their community, to help organize their activities, and to deal with problems between members, and to decide things that are not obvious from the scriptures. These are called Spiritual Assemblies, but will one day be called Houses of Justice.







Class 3 Trip to Oxford Synagogue.

A synagogue is a Jewish place of worship. People go there to pray and study the Torah. When it is not being used, the Torah is kept in a special place called the ark. Above this, is the ‘Eternal Lamp,’ which is a light that is always kept burning to symbolise that God is there.

A synagogue also usually features rows of pews for worshippers and a bimah, which is a raised platform that is used when reading from the Torah. Some synagogues have separate areas for men and women to worship, but some are mixed so that everyone can worship together.


Shabbat (also known as Sabbath) is the Jewish holy day. It happens every weekend, beginning at sundown on Friday and ending before sundown on Saturday. This is an exciting day and Jewish people look forward to it all week.

Hanukkah is one of the many holidays in the Jewish calendar, usually falling from late November to December. Also known as the festival of lights, Hanukkah takes place over eight days. Each night, a candle is lit on the Menorah (or Hanukkiah).

Shavuot is a Jewish holiday that is celebrated seven weeks after Passover. It marks the start of the wheat harvest and the end of the barley harvest.

According to tradition, it is on Yom Kippur that God decides each person’s fate, so Jews are encouraged to make amends and ask forgiveness for sins committed during the past year.

Purim is a Jewish festival that remembers and celebrates the survival of the Jews. They had been condemned to death by Persian rulers. It comes from a story in the book of Esther, which can be found in the Old Testament and the Torah. It is a bright and vibrant celebration.

A kippah (plural: kippot), yarmulke, skullcap, or koppel is a brimless cap, usually made of cloth, traditionally worn by Jewish males to fulfill the customary requirement that the head be covered. It is worn by all men in Orthodox Jewish communities during prayers and by most Orthodox Jewish men at all other times.


The ten commandments are a set of rules that Jewish people believe were given to Moses by God.

They are:

1.   There is only one God.

2.   You should not make or worship any representations of false gods.

3.   You should not misuse or disrespect the name of God.

4.   Remember the Sabbath and keep it as a holy day.

5.   Honour and respect your mother and father.

6.   You should not murder.

7.   You should not take someone else’s wife or husband.

8.   You should not steal.

9.   You should not lie.

10. You should not be envious or jealous of others.

Class 5 Trip to Oxford Mosque.

A mosque is an Islamic place of worship for people of the Muslim faith. The Arabic word for mosque is ‘masjid’ and it means ‘place of prostration’ to God. In the UK, there are over 1500 mosques and 2.5 million Muslims.

The Muslim religion is Islam. Islam is a monotheistic religion that believes in just one god, Allah. The Muslim religion has a holy book named the Qur'an that is believed to contain the exact words of Allah as they were told to the prophet and messenger, Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

There are two main types of mosques: masjid jāmi which means ‘collective mosque’ and is a centre of community worship and where Muslims attend Friday prayer services. There are also smaller, private mosques that are attended by various people within the community.


Mosque buildings have large open spaces inside, with mats or carpets covering the floor. Men perform prayer on these mats, under the guidance of an imām, who is a worship leader in the Muslim community. When women pray in the mosque, they must be in a separate space or chamber.


No music or singing is allowed inside a mosque, though professional chanters (qurrā) may chant the Qur'ān.

There is also a place with running water for ablution, which is a ceremonial act of washing the body before prayer.

The only decorations in a mosque are inscriptions of verses from the Qur'ān and the names of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and his Companions. There are no ritual objects, statues or pictures inside the mosque.

Outside the mosque, there is a minaret (or maʾdhanah) - this used to be any elevated place, but is now usually a tower. It’s used by a muezzin (muʾadhdhin or ‘crier’) to announce the call to worship five times a day.


Inside the mosque, there is a miḥrāb and a minbar. A miḥrāb is a semicircular space pointed in the direction of Mecca that is reserved for the imām to perform a prayer, and a minbar is a seat to the right of the miḥrāb that is used by a preacher (or khaṭīb).


Traditional dress for Muslim men has typically covered at least the head and the area between the waist and the knees, while women's islamic dress is to conceal the hair and the body from the ankles to the neck. Some Muslim women also cover their face. Not all mosques will ask female visitors to cover their heads, but it's a sign of respect to have one ready.


Muslim religion believes that:

  • Allah is absolutely one and eternal
  • He is incomparable and self-sustaining
  • Islam is the complete and whole version of the first faith that was found and told to lots of prophets including Ishmael and Jesus.
  • These messages have been changed or misremembered over time and the holy book the Qur'an is the unedited or Final Testament from God.


Most Muslims can be classified into one of two denominations, Sunni and Shia.

Sunni focuses heavily on the traditions of the Muslim religion (Islam) and the prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and his friends. Unlike Sunni, Muslims who follow the Shia branch of Islam believe that Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) requested, and later appointed his son-in-law, Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor.
