BLOG 25-1-19
This week has gone really quick – which must have meant we have had fun!
On Monday we started using the cross trainer, that Stella’s family have kindly let us use, so far we have reached 85 k and are just about halfway there!
Then, we did some spelling work where we had to write and explanation on each of our spellings for that week.
After that, we did some Understanding perimeter and area.
On Tuesday we finished off some London theatre work which everyone always enjoys! Then, we did some consolidation of perimeter and area, which was fun. Then, in the afternoon, we performed our Christmas play to the Valentines Club, which was really fun, as we hadn’t done it in a long time!
On Wednesday, we started off doing some “Old-Skool-Maffs-Innit” questions which we found really fun, followed by assembly.
After lunch we had music, where we continued working on our timelines and then we had our weekly French lesson with Mrs Stansfeld.
On Thursday we had singing assembly which was very interesting as we learnt a new song. After that we wrote 10 comprehension questions for a friend to answer which were from a short story called ‘Sam’s thief’. Then we had R.E, Then we went for a a 15 minute run around the playground in PE and did some strength-building exercises, which included leaning against the playground wall and making our knees into a right-angle! some managed 5 minutes and some managed 10 minutes!
Then finally, on Friday we looked at the marking Mr Brigg and corrected and spellings. We then carried on with our London theatre work, and started to design our London theatre websites. After lunch we had a science lesson about evolution which everyone is very interested in, then finally golden time!
By Tabitha Hall and Florence Tuttle