BLOG 18/01/19
The second week back kicked off with not our usual morning run but some amazing news! Instead of running Monday, Wednesday and Friday Mr Brigg has decided to change this to running Tuesdays and Thursdays! Most of the class were thrilled with this news because it meant we only ran two days instead of three (Especially Cecily!). On Monday to replace our usual P.E lesson we learnt to swing dance! That definitely got the week off to a good start.
Tuesday was just a normal day. We ran our usual 2k, and came back inside as blocks of ice! This was not very fun. L
On Wednesday we were taught by the lovely Mrs Marshall and amazing Mrs Sutton, this was because Mr Brigg wasn’t in that day. In the morning we read, but the annoying thing was that the moment I got to a really good part of my book, we had to stop!!!!!!!! LLL We also did music where we are learning about all the different periods of music. In French we are learning about French grammar.
Thursday we did another freezing run… Bbbrrrr. We did some sports hall P.E involving circuits. In R.E, we are learning about the 3 different theories of creation, in which Ben knew absolutely loads about!
Friday! WAHOO! JJJJJ Today we all felt really excited because we are about to get two whole days off! We did London topic work for the whole morning, we are studying Landmarks at the moment. We are doing science in the afternoon where we are studying human evolution and are really hoping for golden time. Fingers crossed!
We hope that you found this blog highly entertaining, and that you look forward to the next one! From, Cecily & Annabel J