Blog 15.03.19
This week
This week was a very exciting week because everyone was still buzzing with chatter about our exciting trip London (We raised £2000 for the day!). It was also Science week.
On Monday we revised our multi-stage maths problems and ratio problems, which we are getting better now that we have practised lots.
On Tuesday we started our work on the Notting Hill Carnival and Multi-cultural London. We did one of our weekly runs, which we are all getting better at, although this week is was very, very windy!
On Wednesday it was very exciting as we conducted an experiment on the different powders associated with cooking, such as: cream of tartar, sugar, salt, bicarbonate of soda, and cornflower. (There are pictures on the front page of the website)
On Thursday we did some writing about how health care advice has changed overtime, played cricket in PE and learnt about the resurrection of Jesus in RE which we expressed through a comic strip!
On Friday (at the time of writing) we are continuing our work on the Notting Hill Carnival by creating exotic costumes, all the class are really enjoying this work as it evolves: Art; creativity; fun; and leadership. There are also pictures of this on our class page under Design and Technology.
Written by Joe Lamb & Oli Henderson