Year six class blog
By Tabitha and Florence
Monday morning kicked off with our usual 2k run. After running the 15 laps of our playground, we worked through some algebra E.G. y=3(x -2) x =4 y =?.
After that we did conjunction work, active to passive, in English. Before lunch we spent an hour revising on short /long division. Finally we spent the afternoon having our usual swimming lesson at Bloxham private school
Tuesday morning started off with reading comprehension: Using quotations. After that we had assembly which Mrs Brown lead and talked to us about counting our blessings. After break, we did some mixed problem solving E.G. 2018- 186=? Then after lunch, we did some history and Geography where we learned about Athenian Life.
Our 2k run started Wednesday morning then we had the usual assembly were Reverend Marcus came in. We sang whilst he played the guitar! As most people would know, October is Black History month so we have been studying various people who have changed black history. This week we were writing about Barack Obama, Usain Bolt or Baroness Doreen Lawrence we each had to write a biography on one of them. We then had music were we were again studying black musicians. We also listened to Tina Turner and Bobby Brown‘s music on the whiteboard. Then we had French with Mrs Stansfield were we drew story maps for little red riding hood (le petite chaperone rouge)!!
Firstly, on Thursday morning, we did some formal written methods practise E.G. 1976+2856=? Then after that, we had to go to singing assembly. After that, we carried on with our biographies. After lunch, we played rounder’s with Mrs Marshall. Then we did R.E., where we are learning about saints and we had to do a piece of work about 2 people called mother Teresa and Yosef Islam.
Friday started with our 2k run, followed by some task completion time, this is when we are given the chance to catch up on any work we haven’t quite got finished through the week.
After our usual Friday spelling and times tables test we listened to the songs from our Christmas performance which was great fun, we started the afternoon with a science test paper and finished off with golden time!
Have a great weekend!