Week beginning 11-09-2020
Wow, I can’t believe it’s already been the first week, and I’m speaking for everyone when I say that it’s been a blast!
We’ve been working on personification poems to put on display for the past few days and everyone’s has been great so far.
In maths we have been focusing on rounding and multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1000.
Mr Brigg has been an amazing teacher and speaking Italian to us. He has been teaching us more about classical Greece and has been reading Greek myths to us. We’ve also been doing P.E on Tuesdays and Thursdays and we played a game of rounder’s and a netball inter- class tournament and the blue team won.
So as you can all see we’ve been very busy over the week but other than the business we have had a lot of fun!
Everyone is looking forward to the weekend so that next week we can have even more fun!
Written by Devron and Clemmie.