Year 6 Blog – Week Beginning 10th September 2018
Friday 10th September 2018
This week was first full week as class six pupils, the class have enjoyed including Oliver and I.
Bright and early, we got into our new school running gear to do our 2nd 2k run of this year.
After that, back in our School uniform, we started our English work for the day, completing our introduction letters which we started on Thursday.
After a well-earned lunch, we made our chairs into a circle and circle time began. In the last hour of the day, we got back into our new P.E kit/running kit to play frounders, a game of rounder’s, just without a bat, and with a football.
Tuesday was a “T.C.T” morning (Task Completion time) during which we carried on with uncompleted tasks, including classical Greece title Pages.
In the next lesson, which was English, we had our SPAG (Spelling punctuation & Grammar) health check. A short while later, we went to collective worship, which was led by Mrs Brown who spoke to the school about thankfulness and how we should be thankful to the people who help us.
After that we had a much wanted lunch.
After lunch, we started to create our Classical Greece title pages, making them as colourful and well designed as possible.
On Wednesday Morning we wend on our third 2k run of the year Oliver and I found this run much easier than on Monday! The next thing we did was we went to collective worship which was a very exciting one for me because they told a story I think most pupils at Dr Radcliffe’s will agree that when one of the teachers tell a story it is so nice to listen to because you really feel you’re in the place that they tell you about.
The next thing we did was we went to break then shortly after that we went to lunch.
After lunch we had French and music in music we learnt about how music makes you feel.
On Thursday morning we went to singing assembly which most of the pupils love including Oliver and I. After that we had maths. Some of the class six pupils were picked for a special maths group while the others did maths with Mr Brigg. In the afternoon we had R.E with Mrs Marshall which Joe and I enjoy, an hour later we had P.E (during which we did tag rugby) which is really Fun!
First we had computing, then we did test hour which everyone did well in. Then we had Lunch I can’t tell you anymore because this is when we wrote this blog.
Written by Joe Lamb & Oliver Davis