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Our Garden

A group of parents got together last summer and decided to improve the garden area behind the reception and infant classrooms. The area was used for playing in during choosing time and each class windows looked out onto this rather dull and dreary area. They decided to improve the appearance of the area and to tie the garden into the biodiversity theme which was a topic the school could work towards as part of their work trying to get an eco school silver flag award. With the help of a few volunteers the area was cleared and the wall repainted and a planting plan drawn up to plant plants and flowers that would encourage wildlife. The money for the plants was donated by the friends, who also purchased an outdoor display board which will be on the wall outside reception to display identification charts for the children and any of their pieces of work. There is now a bird feeder so that the children from class 1 can watch the birds from their class and the reception class have been making bug boxes to site in the garden.