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The Cherry Tree Centre


The Cherry Tree Centre for families with children under five opened on 3 May 2017. The Centre replaces the Butterfly Meadows Children’s Centre which was closed following government cuts earlier in the year.  Situated on the school grounds in the site of the previous Children's Centre, it offers play sessions on Mondays and  Wednesdays from 9.30am – 11.00am for families with children aged five and under, with lots of toys, a baby area, along with arts and crafts activities.



Family Solutions Service


The Family Solutions Service provides early help and statutory support to children and families in Oxfordshire. It supports children aged 0 – 19 (and up to their 25th birthday if children have special educational needs with an Education Health and Care Plan in place).


The Family Solutions Service includes Children's Social Care Family Support Service with Early Help Services. They provide timely support and interventions through case work and targeted interventions to vulnerable children and families requiring statutory or targeted support to reduce safeguarding concerns.


The service is based in eight Children and Family Centres including Banbury and Bicester. Services are delivered locally from these and other linked sites. Workers also meet children and families at other venues, including their home, school and locations close to where the family live, to ensure families do not have to travel too far for access the service.


In each centre the statutory team and early help team, work together to provide support to children in need, those on child protection plans and those who are looked after by Oxfordshire County Council.


