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Day 2



Dear Reader, 


It hardly seems like two minutes since I was sitting here last night writing the blog and performing my new evening ritual of chair dancing to keep the motion-sensitive light on. Anyway, here we are at the end of day two and without wishing to tempt fate - the weather seems to be getting better and better. 


My day began at 5:50am with a blood-curdling scream that had me leaping out of bed to see what was amiss, only to discover two of our group playing squirt the water bottle at your friend which involves one person galloping up and down the room while the other shoots water at them from the comfort of their bunkbed - it appeared that the person in question who shall remain nameless, had metaphorically hit the bulls-eye - hence the ear-piercing shrieks. It's an unusual way to start the day but not one I necessarily want to repeat. 


Breakfast followed and then into activity groups to find out what was in store for the day. My group and Mrs Roberts' group were off canoeing on the Neath Canal, Mrs Stansfeld & Mrs Sellers disappeared off to Pobbles Beach for a day of climbing and abseiling and Mr Fane had a day of coastal exploration in store.


The canoeing was excellent and halfway round involved the traditional mass water fight which was great fun. I did think my group probably had the edge on tactics although I have already been challenged to a rematch so who knows?! Great reports came back from both the climbing groups with several children being mentioned in dispatches by their group leaders for their bravery and skill up and down the rocks. Mr Fane enjoyed the day's coastal exploration - apparently we have hit exactly the right week for exploring a coastal island that you can only access at low-tide. It's quite spectacular and my group are off there tomorrow. 


Dinner was great and devoured by hordes of ravenous children - pasta Bolognese and apple crumble this evening. Tonight's activity is den-building which ends with water being poured over the roof to see how water-tight it is, and I'm quite looking forward to seeing how that works out, so I'm going to sign off now - especially as I've also published the pictures and no words as yet. As you see  - I have managed to upload more pictures this evening so I might even score Expected Standards in my computing assessment - but who knows - Mrs Roberts is quite a hard task master. 


More tomorrow, 


