The day to day stuff
PE Days are Monday and Wednesday. Children should come to school in PE kit.
Woods sessions will be on Tuesday afternoons. We will let you know the dates for these sessions as they are organised via Seesaw.
Children should come to school each day with their refillable water bottle, a small snack, their reading folder and a coat. Waterproofs and wellies should be kept in school in preparation for break, lunch and outdoor learning through play and woods sessions.
If you wish to contact us please message both Mrs Rymell and Mrs Smit on Seesaw. We will try to respond to messages ASAP. If you need to contact us during the day please make contact by phoning the office. This includes any chances to who is collecting your child at the end of the day.
If you have any concerns or worries about your child please make contact with us ASAP so that we can help.