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Blog 21-9-18

Our second full week of class 6



Monday morning started with our take 10 –mixed maths problems. E.G.227+89=316. After that, We went out for our 2k run which we have got used to doing 3x a week.Then after lunch we went toBloxham for our swimming lesson. There are 3 main groups with group 1 being the highest group and group 3 being the lowest.


Tuesday morning kicked off with our take 10 (standard) column multiplication.E.G. 182x2=364.When everyone had completed the maths we had assembly ,this week Revrend Marcus came in and explained how quickly something spreads around the hall.


Wednesday morning kicked off with our place value health check. E.G. 6142=6000. Then we did our 2k for the second time that week,then after lunch we had French and Music.In music, we drew a mind map about what music means to us and also the general part of music. E.G. what instruments are in an orchestra.


On Thursday we had singing assembly, where we learnt a song from Godspell to sing to Mrs Roberts.In the afternoon we had R.E. where we learnt about saints and if they’re good role models. After that, we had a lovely time doing circuit training with Mrs Sargent .


On Friday we did some finishing of ,then we had our 2k run .Then we had test hour where we did a spelling test and a mental maths test . After lunch we had science where we learnt about classification. Then, after science we had an hour of golden time where we played lots of board games.


By Tabitha Hall and Florence Tuttle.
